MF Shrooms Ann Arbor Logo MF_Shrooms Ann Arbor Mushrooms:


1930 West Stadium Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

We are located in Torn and Frayed Vintage Clothing
Click for Directions

- Text us with any questions

- It may take a few hours to return a phone call

- We are able to respond to texts much faster


Ann Arbor, MI


12pm - 5pm
12pm - 7pm
12pm - 7pm
12pm - 7pm
12pm - 7pm
12pm - 7pm

Statewide Decriminalization
    Senate Bill SB0499 aims to decriminalize entheogens statewide and is currently in committee. The senate committee is requesting polling numbers for the state of Michigan; until then the bill has stalled. If you have experience with large-scale polling, please contact us!
    Stay tuned for more information on the statewide movement to decriminalize entheogens.
Click Here to find the Decriminalize Nature Michigan website and discord channel, city council Youtube channels, zoom meetings, and other statewide decriminalization meetings and resources.


MF Shrooms cannot and does not give medical advice. We share experiences and anecdotes for what has and hasn't worked for others. Only you know your own body and mind, and every person has a different life experience and brain chemistry. These recommendations are only guidelines; the user assumes all risk, whether they're using mushrooms from MF Shrooms or elsewhere. Psilocybin Mushrooms are decriminalized in Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County MI. Psilocybin data is continually growing and changing, which means our community is regularly learning new information.

General Information

If you're taking medications for mental or physical health, seek your own medical advice, whether internet or medical professional, to learn and understand the risks involved for your personal situation. It’s known that some people microdose in the process of tapering off certain medications. Additionally, it’s known that use of SSRIs or Benzodiazepines increase tolerance to psilocybin, dulling or negating psilocybin’s effects.

An empty stomach, acidic foods such as orange or lemon juice, and cacao are known to increase/strengthen psilocybin’s effects. Lemon Tek is a common way to potentiate mushrooms and make them stronger. Visit our FAQ page for more information on this topic. You may decrease dosage or adjust timing of ingesting these foods with this information in mind, i.e., cut doses in half until after you know the effects.

Dairy products and meat are known to lessen psilocybin’s effects, resulting in slowing or decreased intensity of experiences. You may adjust dosages and/or timing of ingesting these foods with this information in mind.

Bananas can help with any nausea that accompanies eating dried mushrooms; one banana per gram of mushroom will help if you have a sensitive stomach.


The following information is based on regular strength Golden Teacher mushrooms.

Microdose recommendations below are suggested guidance. You can decide/adjust dosages that serve you when you are familiar with the effects.

Most microdoses generally are less than half a gram (<0.5g).  

Use a kitchen scale that measures to the hundredth decimal place. (e.g., 0.00 grams).

Start on the low end in the dosage range of 0.15g to 0.20g. (0.10 grams is another option, but may be found to be too weak for some.)

Suggested starting routines (you can switch your frequency or dosage at any time):

- 2 days on, 1 day off
- 3 days on, 1 day off
- 4 days on, 2 days off
- 4 days on, 1 day off
- 5 days on, 2 days off

When familiar with the effects within your comfort zone, you can adjust schedule and frequency to fit your personal goals. Everyone is different, and after the first week or two, you may decide to adjust your dose up or down. For example, if you started at 0.15g or under, then you might try 0.20g or 0.25g, then, after a couple more weeks, you may go up to between 0.30g to 0.35g, if an increase feels beneficial.

Know a microdose’s effects before performing daily activities. Learn how they interact with you in your own comfort zone before going out. Some people prefer mushrooms on an empty stomach and others like them with food. Some like to take them after work, and some before bed. For some it helps sleep, but sometimes people have vivid dreams. Ideally, your sense of psychoactive change in daily life is positive, and you experience intangible or tangible benefits. If you don't experience positive benefits within a couple weeks, then feel free to reach out for some recommendations.

Everyone’s experience with different microdoses varies.  Many people benefit from between 0.20g and 0.35g, while others may benefit from 0.5g. Sometimes higher doses cause yawning or tiredness, so lowering the dose can help mitigate this if it becomes a hindrance. Increased tiredness might be desired in the evening, but some might feel their brain is more active when they lay down to sleep. Some find higher microdoses stimulate activity and creativity. Each strain has consistent thru-lines but the experience can also be subjective, so take some time experimenting with multiple strains to find what works best for you.

Doses of 0.50g to 1g are considered between microdosing and macrodosing (tripping).  For some, these doses may result in a creative flow state and/or brighter colors, or be an aphrodisiac.  For others, it might result in an uncomfortable feeling, difficulty focusing on some types of tasks, or agitation. 1.5 grams is the lowest starting macro/tripping dose for beginners.

A main take-away is that everyone has a different situation and brain chemistry so it may take some time figuring out what works for you.


The following information is based on regular strength Golden Teacher mushrooms.

While a microdose is generally under 0.5g, a macrodose is generally over 1.5g. That said, individual tolerances may indicate that, for some, a microdose can be up to 1g – and a macrodose could start at just 1g. It’s generally recommended to start off low and potentially increase the dose over time. Whenever trying a new strain, trend towards a lower dose until you know the effects.

Lower doses are usually suggested for social environments or public events. Higher doses are more appropriately used in  personal and therapeutic settings. Your mindset and your environment are significant criteria. Letting go and enjoying the flow are important in getting the most out of the experience, so make sure you are in control of your environment, and you can change the setting if needed. That might include going to another room or outside, changing your seating, or changing the music and lighting.

Macrodosing guide (Golden Teacher mushrooms):

- 1.5g to 2g is usually considered a beginner dose.
- 2.5g to 3g is usually considered a medium dose.
- 3.5g to 5.5g is usually considered a large dose.
- 6g to 9g is usually considered a very large dose.
- Anecdotally, it’s been said that every 5 grams the universe folds in on itself again.

Note that Penis Envy Strains are known to test twice as potent as regular strength strains. The albino and medium strength strains are known to test anywhere from just above Golden Teacher to just below Penis Envy. Generally, dosing can be scaled as follows:
- 2g Golden Teacher or other regular strength (gold capped) strain is approximately the same as:
- 1.5g Albino Jedi Mind Fuck or other medium strength (usually albino)
- 1g Penis Envy (usually short and thick but can vary)

MF Shrooms cannot and does not give medical advice.  We share experiences and anecdotes for what has and hasn't worked for others. Only you know your own body and mind, and every person has a different life experience and brain chemistry. These recommendations are only guidelines; the user assumes all risk, whether they're using mushrooms from MF Shrooms or elsewhere. Psilocybin Mushrooms are decriminalized in Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County MI. Psilocybin data is continually growing and changing, which means our community is regularly learning new information. Keep an open mind and a flexible outlook; mushrooms may help in ways you didn't envision.